Monday, January 16, 2012

A Normal Day

Hey everyone! Week 3 has started and I having so much fun! Todays blog is just going to cover what I do everyday and tell you all where I am going on my outreach!!!

My day begins with my waking up at 7am and getting ready for my class at 8 am. From 8 am to 9am we have prayer/worship/intercession. During this time we either worship with music or just spend time in prayer with each other. From 9 am 10 noon we have are class. We have different classes and speakers every week. This week is all about Prayer and Hearing Gods voice. From noon to 1:30 pm we have lunch. During this time I eat and do my job, which is to clean the lunch dishes. 1:30 -3:00pm is different everyday. On some days we meet with are small group, on others are outreach team, and on the others we are with are "track" groups. My track group is Community Development. Ill be learning how we can be helpful in a community. It is fun so far! The rest of the day I have off. I spend time doing homework, hanging out with friends, or playing sports in the gym.

Right now we are in the middle of a snow storm. You can go outside without freezing your butt off!

Alright what we have all been waiting for. Where I am going on outreach. The lucky place is.....UGANDA!! I am so excited to go there! From what we talked about, its not all for sure, we will be staying in a village and ministering to everyone around. We mainly will be helping out with the children, which is something I love doing. I seriously cant wait!

God has been providing for me so much. Last week someone randomly walked in and donated $1,500 to me. I dont know who it was but I am so thankful. I still need $1950. Please be praying that the money will come in. Also be praying for all of us here, pray that we can work on are homework and love each other like family.

Thank you all for reading! God Bless!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Moving to a new place you expect the first week to be hard. Well, I probably had one of the hardest weeks I have had in a long time. My friend, Matt Swale, passed away a few days ago. On the 5th Matt was sent to the hospital because he was bleeding internally. In the matter of a few days he passed away. A few hours before I was crying out to God. Yelling and screaming as tears fell down my face, asking God to heal Matt, to let him live. I fell on my face just sobbing, but all of a sudden I was covered in peace. I realized that Matt loved the Lord and I would see him again. I am sad that he died but I am happy that he is in a better place.

Matt was a man that was in love with the Lord. I only knew him a few months but I think of him as a close friend. Everyday he would come to the church and volunteer. He did it all with a smile on his face. He also served in the Children's Ministry. His passion was to help kids learn the gospel so they would grow up and love Jesus no matter what happens to them. He loved every single kid that walked into the room. He made sure he said hi and talked to every single one. The kids looked up to him because he was loving and would take time to get to know the kids.

Matt walked in 100% faith. He gave up so much to serve the Lord. He was one of the most compassionate person I have ever met. I miss him so much. But I know he is in heaven with our Father, smiling and dancing around. I'll see him again one day. I cant wait for the day to give my friend a hug again.

Please be praying for Matt's family. The lose of a son is something parents should never have to go through. Pray that they will have peace, and that this will bring them towards the Lord, not away.

Matt Swale, August 11, 1981 - January 8, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Worship and fun

Sorry I have not posted in a while, been very very busy.

Well to start off I just have to say the worship here is so amazing! Everyday I am just dancing and singing just declaring my love for the Lord. Each day I learn a brand new song but that does not stop me. I am filled with so much joy!

Anyways the topic for this last few days have been worship. Our worship leader, Zach, is filled with so much knowledge. He taught us that the act of worship is to place God above everything else in terms of priority or attention. Then we went into the scriptures and look at Genesis 4, the story of Cain and Abel. When you ready you learn the Cain brought "some fruit" and that Abel brought fat portions from the firstborn of his flock, which is the best. Cain did not give God his best. But Abel did. We should give God the best every single time we come to him. Then we started jumping around the bible looking at many stories. He taught us to be humble before God and to hunger for him. He finished his message by having us all be quiet for 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes he asked anyone to lead out in worship. Could be a verse, a song, a dance, or just something on your heart. Many people spoke and in the end we were all just worshiping crying out for the Lord. That was one of the best days so far.

Yesterday was my birthday. Also one of the hardest and most fun days. It started normally, get up, go to the class, go to lunch, and lunch duties, my job for the 3 months I am here is to spray off the dishes. Then the moment we were all waiting for...OUTREACH LOCATIONS!!!! My leaders told me they were going to show us thre places. We were to take 10 minutes to an hour to pray where God wanted us to go. The choices were Thailand, Argentina, or Uganda. We went off to pray. Right away I knew I was suppose to go to Uganda. I prayed for a little longer and then finally wrote it down. On Monday I find out if that is where I am going.

Since it was my birthday I decided to do something really stupid and really fun. To jump in the lake. Right now its 20 degrees. So the water would have to be in the negatives. By buddy Chris, he is from Texas, decided to go with me. We hiked down to the lake and climbed in. Rachel, from Canada, decided to come with us and film. Right when my feet hit the water I knew it was a stupid idea. My whole body went numb. I rushed to the shore as fast as possible. I dried off and everything was okay.

Well that's all that has been happening. Right now I would just like to ask you to pray for my friend Matt Swale. He was bleeding internally but it has stopped, but he is in a coma right now. So please be keeping him in your heart.

Thank you all for reading this. Love you all!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New places and new faces

Hey everyone! I first would like to thank everyone who has been supporting me. Either through prayer of financially. Please keep praying for me and if you feel like you would like to donate anything you can email me at

On Saturday morning I left my house to catch my airplane which left at 1:30. When I left my parents at the security check I knew that I was doing God's will. I got through security with no problem, and my gate was just a few yards away. There was only one spot to sit near my gate, so thats where I sat. More people started coming to the gate, so much people had to stand around. I looked around and saw so people I recognized. I find out later that I met them two months early when I was visiting YWAM). When they called the my flight number I jumped up, and the person next to me did to. He looked my age so I asked why he was going to Montana. He smiled and said "YWAM". I smiled back and said "ME TOO". W said hello and introduced ourselves. His name is Bom and he is from Thailand. We both got on the plane and took our seats. He was in the front and I was in the back. Sitting down I just thought how much God is going to work in Bom's life and my life the next three months. The plane took off! I sat there for a while, then finally talked to my neighbor. She was an older lady who lived in Kailspell.   When I told her I was doing YWAM she told me that "everyone who does that is so nice." I thanked her and then she decided to take a nap. I was about to plug in my Ipod when I heard someone say, "I am going to YWAM". I turned around and thats when I met Vance. Vance is doing a DTS also and he is from South Carolina.

We finally landed! Waiting at the airport was a YWAM staff member named Dan. I met him when I was visiting before. He introduced us to Jay, from New Jersey, and Elise, from Minnesota. We all jumped into the van and headed towards the base. We just talked a little bit about why we chose Montana. Then we got to the base. Right when we pulled in I felt home.

Right away we got taken to our rooms. My roommates are Caleb, he is originally from Montana but lived in Thailand for a while with his parents, and Ryan, he is from Chicago. We already are like brothers. Talking and  just eating some meals together.

My class is 43 people.  25 girls and 17 boys. I wish I could tell you everything about everyone but I have not yet learned everyone's name. But you will hear about them all soon.

The first two days so far have been the introduction. We haven't really had any classes but where given all the supplies for our homework. We have weekly homework, but it is pretty easy.

God is already showing me things he is going to change in me. I cant wait to come back as a new man.

Thank you again for reading this. Please keep praying for me and everyone here!
Love you all!